Welcome Podcast Listeners!

Hello friends!

Thank you so much for taking the time to follow The Raphael Letters and Aria’s Adventures! I spent a lot of time discovering and writing about Aria’s world and I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to explore my website. Visit Character Profiles for a list of all relavant characters. Investigate Aria’s World by searching through the Interactive Map of Mem. And read more about book two The Forbiden Isle.

Also, I’d like to offer you a free gift! In gratitude for taking the time to follow me on The Raphael Letters and Aria’s Adventures Podcasts, I’d like to offer you 10% off a paperback of Finding a Familiar. Simply fill out the sign up sheet below. Though if you loved the book and want an even greater discount of 20% on 9 or more copies, then visit this link: Link to 20% Discount Code

PLEASE NOTE: Shipping for this book will take at least 2-3 weeks. I am able to provide this discount along with free shipping because the methods are slower with less fees. I do apologize if this is an inconvenience. If you would prefer for a more immediate copy of the book, then feel free to purchase the book directly from Amazon at this link:

Regardless, I do hope you enjoy Aria’s Adventures! Thank you again for you excitement for my stories.

My Very Best,

Author of Finding a Familiar

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