Public Speaking Reservations

Gabriel, as a writer and speaker, has been giving talks on Faith, Virtue, and the Dignity of the Human Person since 2010, having worked for NET Ministries and The Culture Project. He has received theological formation in the form of a bachelor’s degree at Franciscan Univerity of Steubenville and in the form of a master’s degree at The John Paul II Institute.

Currently, he has produced the following talks which may be given by him upon request:

  • 10 Rules of Spiritual Warefare – This talk illuminates the spiritual war that is all around us, giving us an arsenal of spiritual weapons, which will aid and strengthen us on our spiritual pilgrimage towards heaven.
  • Prayer, Sacraments, and Time Travel – This talk directed towards an adult or young adult audience dives into the Paschel Mystery and how Christ bended the laws of time that we might experience His power and grace in our lives today through Prayer and the Sacraments. (Watch the video below for a sample of this talk)
  • Communion: The Story of the Sun – This first communion talk was written using an alegory to illustrate the power, beauty, and uniqueness of receiving the Eucharist. This talk explains the profound teachings of the Eucharist in a beautiful and simple way.

If you wish to schedule Gabriel to speak at a public event, please fill out the form below.