The Raphael Letters

The Raphael Letters is a set of letters similar to C. S. Lewis’ Screwtape Letters, but this is from the Archangel Raphael to a young woman’s guardian angel. C. S. Lewis actually wrote about how he really wanted to do this:

Ideally, Screwtape’s advice to Wormwood should have been balanced by archangelical advice to the patient’s guardian angel. Without this, the picture of human life is lopsided. But who could supply the deficiency? Even if a man — and he would have to be a far better man than I — could scale the spiritual heights required, what “answerable style” could he use? For the style would really be part of the content. Mere advice would be no good; every sentence would have to smell of Heaven.

~ C. S. Lewis in his Preface to The Screwtape Letters

In no way do I believe that I can accomplish what C. S. Lewis wanted to see in an archangel letter. It would take a real angel to write it and I don’t think, because I have the name of one, that I would be suddenly capable of writing it.

But I feel like, in this day and age, that we are becoming more and more blind to spiritual realities (myself included). I think there is a real need to become aware of the work that is being done on our behalf by the angels who care for us so deeply.

So, I decided to write these letters out of this great need which I see in the world. I have always been curious about angelology, spiritual warefare, and theology in general, having studied it formally for many years now. I hope that will aid me in my task. Regardless, I pray that you enjoy and benefit from these letters. And hopefully the smell of it is more bearable than not.

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Raphael Letters